Being a stay at home mom and blogging is a full time job. I really don’t know where I find the time to do both, but I manage and use my time wisely. Life can get so busy and the days are just going by so fast. I often forget to unwind, relax, spoil myself and spend quality time with Blake. Sometimes we put the kids to bed and then prepare a nice meal for just the two of us. We get to connect, have a conversation without getting interrupted, enjoy a delicious meal and an amazing glass of wine too. One place I shop is Grocery Outlet. In addition to their regular selection of groceries, they also have a NOSH (Natural, Organic, Specialty, Healthy) section that is amazing. It has everything I need when looking for an easy but delicious meal for me and Blake. I love pairing the dish with a wine from Grocery Outlet’s expansive wine selection. It is a great place to shop because you can save and eat healthy, and who doesn’t love to enjoy a nutritious good meal while saving a few bucks?!



Shopping at Grocery Outlet



If you don’t know what Grocery Outlet is, it provides customers with name brands at everyday savings of 40-70% compared to traditional stores.  It is like taking the bulk pricing of a club store but instead of having to buy huge amounts (which I don’t need) I can buy exactly what I need. For example, I can buy one package of cheese instead of packages and packages of the same exact cheese. They also have the same variety as a regular super market.  It really is the best.  They have farm fresh produce, meat, deli, and dairy, in addition to natural and organic choices.  Bargain shoppers like me will find the quality they expect at simply great prices.



My guide to hosting a successful date night at home would include a trip to Grocery Outlet. Pick out the ingredients for a quick and easy meal to prepare for Blake and myself, along with a bottle of wine. It is so simple.  This week I chose to make a basic pasta meal.  I picked up some amazing gluten free elbow pasta noodles in the NOSH section at Grocery Outlet, some delicious Eden Organic pasta sauce with extra virgin olive oil and roma tomatoes and the most wonderful Pull Cabernet Sauvignon.


To read more and get the recipe, visit Why I Love Grocery Outlet

